Discover the Unseen Forces that Govern Your Life!

Awaken extraordinary vision and reclaim your energetic sovereignty.

Learn and practice TSM (The Synchronicity Method), as described in my book, Synchronicity, Unlock Your Divine Destiny.

Join The Dojo if You're Ready To...

  • Master Your Frequency (the vibe you send out in the world)
  • Live in Peak Flow States (high performance & full adventure)
  • Unlock Dormant Potential (gifts you didn't even know you had)
  • Awaken Your Evolutionary Spirit (become next-gen human)

TSM Will Help You...

  • Stop misusing your energy (whether you're conscious of it or not)
  • Rewire your nervous system to hold more joy in your body
  • Heal past triggers that held you back
  • Swiftly navigate change like a Jedi warrior
  • And soooo much more...

You deserve to access your true nature

and to be happy for no reason. I'll show you how.

You'll learn how to instantly align your energy

for optimal performance

at any moment, in any situation.

Energy containership is the master key for cultivating inner peace, finding your purpose, and accessing your innate genius.



Inside The Dojo we practice TSM exclusively, as you gain mastery, more modules unlock. There are three types of memberships to choose from. You can sign up for one month to learn the fundamentals or stay in the community and power up with the collective. When paying quarterly or annually there are extra savings and benefits. The longer you stay in The Dojo and practice TSM, the faster your unique gifts unlock, and with that come the release of higher-level trainings.


This membership is for those who want to experience TSM in a group field and learn the fundamentals, without a big commitment.



For those who're ready to master their frequency, make a significant shift in their life, and significantly increase the synchronicity in their life.

$480 (Save $186)


For those who've felt the power of TSM and are ready to live in peak flow states, power up with the collective, and restitch the golden network.

$1800 (Save $896!)



Log into the membership portal to learn TSM at your own pace.

Live Trainings with Aeon

Live group transmissions each month to practice in a charged-up group field for rapid advancement. Includes Q&A and laser coaching.


As you progress IN TSM higher-level modules unlock over time.

Responsive Template

The dojo is accessible on any device.

TSM is a mix of ancient wisdom and modern science, it will help you radically shift all areas of your life for the better.

I guarantee it.*

*If you do TSM for 21 days straight and do NOT have an obvious shift in your energy, we will gladly refund your money. It's worked for everyone who practices (just 10 min a day). No matter how busy you are, you can fit this into your schedule and have extraordinary results in all areas of your life.

Hi, I'm Aeon.

Your Transformational Guide.

I'm a Master Mystic, adept in the healing arts for over 25 years. I wrote Synchronicity, Unlock Your Divine Destiny as a clarion call to help brave hearts reclaim their energetic sovereignty and mend a broken world.

As much as I love technology, it's created a mental illness and has left us disconnected from our most basic human needs in the name of progress.

It's imperative that we learn how to access our hidden biological capacity because that is where all the solutions to our problems lie. The invisible space is the glue that connects us - it is the life force that breathes us.

TSM is a foundational practice that will connect you to this invisible biological intelligence that animates you. Once consciously activated, it allows you to resonate at a higher order of consciousness. I can't wait to share it with you!

Master the Unseen Forces that govern your life!

Discover ancient secrets that've been hidden from the public for thousands of years.

TSM is the foundational tool for harnessing and regulating huge amounts of personal power. Learn from a Master Mystic and discover your innate capacities. Let's get started! Our future depends on our state of consciousness.

Still not sure if this is for you?

Download a sample.

There is so much waiting for you on the inside.

Understanding the principles of TSM and practicing the protocols will significantly shift how you walk through the world(s). Permit yourself to shine!

TSM is a prerequisite practice for working with Aeon in any other capacity.

My Journey: Podcast Interviews

Want to learn more about me and my soul mission?

Check out these podcast interviews.